Thursday, December 18, 2008

deadlines deadlines!

ah! the stress of deadlines!

i'm nearing completion of the work for the next exhibit at SHAPE gallery in the glaze/fire/do additives stage. planning on doing my glazing tonight/tomorrow and firing over the weeked.

had the first snow of the season this week. i'll admit...i'm not a fan of it at all. i prefer the junebug time of year (and for those of you who love winter, you probably hate the time of year i love lol)

cats have been ever helpful in the studio...i think they only like the heat from the newly installed kiln. debating putting another down there that's a bit larger...i have all my kilns in outbuilding except for the doll kiln, which i've been bisque firing's been SO NICE to not have to trapse outside with greenware, let me tell ya!

gah!!! the snow the snow!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

photoshop brushes

i am seriously in love with finding new photoshop brushes.

in fact, i am glad my iMac has 1 TB of memory because otherwise i would have crashed my system by now.

this site is my new's the same for me as dafont is for finding new fonts, except this one gives me photoshop brushes!

so i'm off to the studio. i have some trimming to do...this new work is all porcelain and my studio tends to be cranky with this clay for some reason (seems to be very dry in there atm, when usually it's like a damp box in there!)....debating doing some mold making as well. i have doll molds that i want to dabble with too for an installation i'm working on...need to get to the store for distilled water for the mold soap...then i can get a rockin'!

Monday, December 8, 2008

studio time

since i'm revving up for the show in the beginning of january, lots of time is being spent:

a.) thinking about what work to enter
b.) thinking about what work i'd like to do
c.) actually making that work

this one seems to be a blend between some handbuilding and some wheel throwing...eclectic as usual (can't help it apparently)

one of my ideas was to create handbuilt landscapes of a sort for some wheel thrown pieces to set in front of (see image)

and just some handbuilding rediscovery from exhibitions past...same concepts, new era....

Sunday, December 7, 2008


today's adventure:  uploading the backup disks from my recently dead macbook to the new iMac....and it's taking a very, very long time.

made some pieces in clay land...started a new load in kiln.  came upstairs and made a few necklaces.  

basically, avoiding the cold that is outside.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

upcoming show!

i have another upcoming show this month....guess pulling myself out of exhibition retirement was good (tho, i think working w/no show focus has been good too.....gave myself a breather)

so after about, oh, 4-5 years, i'm out of "retirement" officially i guess as i've started to actively book and look for shows

starting on the 13th in hagerstown, md, i'll have 3 pieces in their black and white exhibition....3 4x4 photos, to be exact.  am rather pleased by them and it's nice to be presenting work that i'm happy with (which was part of the reason why i stopped showing for a while)

here's the link for the show details (times open, etc):      SHOW!!!!!!!

enjoy and hope to see you at opening  :)

pieces in exhibition

3 of my photos are currently on display at the SHAPE gallery in downtown shippensburg, pa (local photographers exhibition....2 black and whites and a color photo (trying to explore color more)

here's a link to the SHAPE gallery if you want the hours/etc