Thursday, December 18, 2008

deadlines deadlines!

ah! the stress of deadlines!

i'm nearing completion of the work for the next exhibit at SHAPE gallery in the glaze/fire/do additives stage. planning on doing my glazing tonight/tomorrow and firing over the weeked.

had the first snow of the season this week. i'll admit...i'm not a fan of it at all. i prefer the junebug time of year (and for those of you who love winter, you probably hate the time of year i love lol)

cats have been ever helpful in the studio...i think they only like the heat from the newly installed kiln. debating putting another down there that's a bit larger...i have all my kilns in outbuilding except for the doll kiln, which i've been bisque firing's been SO NICE to not have to trapse outside with greenware, let me tell ya!

gah!!! the snow the snow!!!

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